Sunday, June 19, 2011

Our Superhero....After Saving the World (Wasatch Back 2011 Catastrophe Averted)

Tired?........yeah, exhausted!

Less than enthusiastic?......yeah, he's not much fun today.

Dazed and confused?.....Kinda.

Superhero? us, ALWAYS!!

Father's Day always gets kind of a bum deal around here, as it usually always falls on the Sunday after know, when neither Tanner or I have slept in the last 48 hours.

...but I'm not really into celebrating I tried to make it a special day ;)

I made a "Superhero Survival Kit" from the girls and I.....
nothing too exciting but I thought is was a cute idea and the girls loved picking out
all the "supplies".

We were pretty excited about it.....Tanner was a little confused. Maybe we'll give it to him again tomorrow ;)

We are so lucky to have Tanner in our lives. He is truly an inspiration to me and an incredible example to our kids. We think he's pretty awesome. He pulls off feats others could only dream about.....

Happy Father's Day!


Missy B. said...

that is awesome. what a great idea! nevermind that Tanner was confused. he's a guy after all. :)

becky rigby said...

Kristin, that is seriously the cutest idea ever. You are so dang creative. I love it. You're like the mother/wife/and nurse of the year. Way to make the rest of us look bad. =)