Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Festivities

If you are a Bell....or know any of the Bells.....You've heard of the much anticipated Memorial Day. It is a day more highly thought of than Christmas. Seriously. I had no idea how serious Tanner was when he said "It is the only Holiday that matters" back when we were dating. It's true.....too true. Despite the initial experience with the big day (we were still dating and I'm pretty sure I cried more than once after being yelled at by more than one Bell family member during a rather rough volleyball game) I have actually come to love Memorial Day.
It starts around 9 am up in Morgan at the city park....legend has it that Morgan City used to host a breakfast there years and years ago and George Bell happened upon it, spread the word and within a few years the City members were "pushed" out (what? Bells pushy? No!) and the Bell family commandeered the park and the tradition. Anyway, there is a huge breakfast of hash browns, eggs, sausage, bacon and my fav..pancakes. This year there were 5 different kinds of pancakes...it was unreal :) After chatting, stuffing our faces and enjoying the weather the volleyball nets go up and the fun begins!

Basically, everyone and anyone is allowed to enjoy a game or two of volleyball until the freakishly competitive ones slowly "push" (sensing a theme?) the less than adequate players out. The games continue for hours while the rest of us sit in the shade and talk, laugh and again stuff our faces with more sugar than should ever be allowed.

Maci LOVED her first actual Memorial Day! She played with everything and everyone and was in awe of all the goings on. There is usually some kind of water fight, soccer game, kickball for the kiddies and Frisbee throwing. Around 3pm hot dogs hit the grill and the eating continues. Tanner has always told me about how is grandpa always made homemade root beer and that it is one of his favorite things, for years he has been talking about taking over the tradition. This year we did it and I think it turned out pretty good. Tan was pretty excited anyway :)

Baby Love rode his bike up there and I was jealous but decided it wouldn't be wise for a pregnant woman to ride up hill in one lane of construction alongside semi's and holiday drivers....see, I do have some limits! He did awesome and made it just in time for Volleyball....thank heavens.

I am pretty sure Maci "explored" everyone else's toy at one time or another throughout the day. I found her trying to climb onto a bike, attempting to skateboard and pushing this scooter all around. Luckily no injuries that day.

She knows exactly how to get what she wants from "Mimi" and "Bampa".....they are both wrapped around those sticky little fingers :)

It was great and I am so grateful for a beautiful sunny day! Last year we got rained out and had to hang out in a church all day.....I choose Morgan City Park please! I really am excited about this tradition and hope it continues for a long, long time. Every kid should have such and extravaganza to look forward to....Thanks George for the years and years of fun!

1 comment:

Karly said...

What a FUN tradition! Can we count as "Bell's" by marriage? :)