What a huge slacker I am!!! Tan turned 29 on the 27th last week and I haven't posted the celebration yet. It was a crazy week! I got home with Maci and cambria Wednesday afternoon then went to Hannah's last choir concert that night. Tan and I managed to get out Thursday night to celebrate.....we ate a yummy dinner at Corbin's Grille, bought new couches :), then went to speed street in Layton for a 20-Lap go-kart race. It was a blast! Saturday night I threw a BBQ for all his friends with help from Kristen..... thanks to all who came! It was great to reminisce with old friends, hear the latest stories and watch the kids run rampant..... by the way, if any of you are starving I way over bought hot dogs and hamburgers so stop by our house if you're hungry :) Sunday night my family gathered and my Mom prepared her famous (and Tan's Favorite) Chinese food for his birthday. Who else do you know that gets to celebrate his birthday almost all week long? Spoiled kid. It was fun and hopefully we mature a bit before he hits his thirties?!?
Ken, Mary and Morgan Jacquin
Easton eyeing the cake...Macquel and Garrett Christopher looking on

Who dat?
The Kiddie table...Maci ate 2 whole pieces of cake....Thanks Russ!
Maci, Daddy and Jack Jack
Who dat?
Adam, Cara and Cambria Rigby

Ragnarish Cake for the Birthday Boy
Ragnarish Cake for the Birthday Boy
Since things are pretty tight right now I had to agree on a $50 limit for Tan's gift. Trying to be creative (not my strong suit) I remembered that before we were married Tan had shown me a collection of Bibles that he kept. I all but forgot about them since they aren't displayed anywhere...well, I happened to find 4 unique, older bibles to add to his collection. Is that lame? I can't tell if he thought it was stupid or not. I tried :)
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