Thursday, December 25, 2008

Feliz Navidad

Merry Christmas! We woke up early and packed up our gifts and our schwimp and went to The Bell's. They thought we were spending Christmas with my family and weren't planning on seeing us until late that night....we thought it would be fun to surprise them with our presence. Surprise them we did :) We got there around 9:30 thinking we were "cutting it close" , well we didn't end up opening gifts until 1 pm. Yes, 1 pm. Unfortunately, that won't fly next year with a 2 1/2 yr old...but it worked great this year :)
Grandpa Sorensen was pretty tuckered out by the time we finished.... I have never heard such an extraordinary snore! What a good sport!

Little miss Maci cheesin' it up for the camera. She was really into the paper and took plenty of timing tearing open her gifts piece by piece.......she had to throw away each piece before ripping another off. Sad. My child is already as OCD as I am.

Besides that, I discovered another disturbing fact about my daughter. If she sees anything resembling a phone (remote, key chain, ipod, basically anything semi-rectangular) she picks it up says "Hi" and then just giggles into the phone/object. Continuously. I insist that she picked it up from Tanner since his phone is practically glued to his head but apparently I am guilty of the same mannerisms?!?! Whoa. Who would have thought we talk on our cell phones that much that our 15 month old daughter is constantly imitating it. Some of you may want to put DFS on your speed dial on our behalf.

Mace opening her first gift of the day.
We had an incredible Brunch (pass the Apple Kuchen!!! YUMMO) and were able to spend the day together as a family without me having to leave for work or be on call. It was awesome. Tanner/Santa spoiled me with a new netbook, candles, DVD's, all of my favorite treats that gross him out (tofu, V8, black licorice, etc.) and Maci was extremely generous and bought Mommy 3 pairs of new shoes! Man that kid already has astounding taste in footwear ;)
The winter storm warning finally made good on its promise Christmas night and we got about 8 inches of snow in a matter of hours! When my father-in-law found out that I had never seen "It's a Wonderful Life" he forced me to watch it....I didn't last long watching it but I did get a great nap! I'll try again next year :)
I missed my family so much but was so grateful to be close enough to be with Tanner's family. More than that it was so much fun to watch Maci. Christmas is such a magical time for kids! I want my kids to love Christmas traditions and celebrations but I can't wait to teach them about the true meaning. Of the Christ child born in a stable. Of the faithful mother and father who traveled so far. Of wise men and shepherds that followed the star that shone brightly on a dark night so long ago. I am so grateful to feel of the wonder and warmth that comes from knowing that Jesus is the Christ. That through him there is peace.
Merry Christmas!


Paige said...

What a fun day! I'm glad you got new shoes... and glad someone else shares my same love for them! Maci is so cute - I can't believe she's getting so big. And has OCD - maybe she can teach my boys a thing or two! :)

erin sheely said...

It's a bit late, but Merry Christmas to you too!! Miss you!!