Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Not a Creature was stirring.......

I love Christmas Eve! To me it is more fun than Christmas morning. I love the anticipation and excitement. I love how the world goes quiet as everyone gathers with loved ones in the evening. I really missed being with my family this year!! I was so excited to do the traditions I grew up doing.....opening our new ornament and hanging it on the tree, sipping hot cocoa and egg nog while watching a movie together, snuggling up in our new jammies to read the Christmas story...... but my family up and left me the night before.
Due to the winter storm warnings my Mom and Sister left for St. George a day early and left me here in the dark, dank, cold, grey iciness.
Thankfully Tan's family let us crash their Christmas Eve party which included an AMAZING feast, exchanging sibling gifts, peppermint pie and of course, The Christmas Movie. We had a great time! We went home to finish wrapping gifts and sleep in our own bed......his family all sleeps in the front room together.....he refuses to sleep on the floor unless it is absolutely necessary and apparently family tradition is not ;)
I don't think Maci had a clue why we were celebrating or what was to come but she had a blast and stayed up late with smiles and all.

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