Thursday, October 22, 2009

Two Weeks Old!

Leila Helen at 2 weeks!
Putting on some chubs!!

We have survived the first two weeks!! Really only because my Mom was here taking care of us :) But we did it just the same. We are all finally well and getting used to our new family member. We ventured out for the first time today....just the three of us. It literally took 3 1/2 hours to get ready, the diaper bag weighed at least 25 lbs. and tears were shed by all three of us but somehow we made it out the door and we were only 5 minutes late to Leila's two week check up.

She is doing great! She has gained a whole pound and weighs in at 6 lbs 11 0z exactly! Somehow she shrunk a 1/4" and is only 19 inches now?!? But she is healthy so I'll take it ;) She is a great eater, a super daytime only sleeper, master grunter, can blow milk bubbles out her nose and is really pretty to look at. I think we'll keep her ;)

Maci isn't so sure but we're working on it!

I figured since we were out I would try and go to Costco....we met Cara and Cambria for lunch at Cutler's where Maci refused to eat her turkey sandwich and launched it over the booth into the purse of a woman deeply involved in conversation with her friends. I reverted to Junior High mode and couldn't stop giggling. Sadly, the thought never crossed my mind to actually tell the woman....I'm sure she found quite the surprise this evening. Costco was a joke. I'm sure I would have cried had Cara not been there to help.....Maci was hitting, whining and throwing things out of the cart the whole time (all new tricks she's used frequently in the last 2 weeks). We made it though. I am exhausted and pretty sure I won't be leaving the house again for two more weeks!

Sad story right.....All you Moms of more than two are probably thinking I am a total wimp....well I guess I am. This is harder than I thought.


Marci said...

I really love the idea of the sandwich surprise. I'm going to be laughing about that for days.

Alder Family said...

A wimp? No way. Just remember back to when you first had Maci. I remember Adrienne being here with me when Alex was three weeks old and we ventured out for the first time and I was the biggest disaster! It amazed me that someone so small could make me feel so inept at simply getting into the car. There's always a learning curve.

You're awesome and in a couple of months your first outing will feel like a million years ago and you'll get out of the house with complete finese. (It still feels like it takes me three hours to get out of the house but I feel less frazzeled about it.) :) I LOVE you!

Rebecca said...

wow- i remember those days, feeling the same way you do. hang in there- it gets easier or you just get better at it, one of the two. funny about the sandwich!

ashley g. said...

Do you remember how sweet you and Maci and Paige were to come and bring me some Cafe Rio after Parker was born? Well, first of all, I owe you. Pick your day and it will be there!

Back on track though... do you remember how CRAZY Kalli was? Poor Maci and Brock got a beatdown that day from her... and I think I did too. Anyways- Kalli is no longer crazy anymore and she and Parker are the best of friends. One day, your sweet little Maci will return.

And Costco at 3 weeks? Costco STILL puts me in tears with two kids. You are more brave than I ever will be!

Our Family said...

Hang in there! My 3.5 yr old Madelynn regressed some with the new baby, but is getting adjusted.
Try to give Maci ways to help so she can be involved. I also found that having some books next to me while feeding the baby worked great. I could nurse and read stories to Madelynn so she didn't feel so excluded.
Don't try and over do it- it's ok to be a home body for a little while!

Paige said...

I'm with Ashley - I can't wait to see you & Maci & meet sweet baby Leila. We just got back from Mexico - so sorry we've been terrible friends & haven't come by sooner. Let me know when we can come by & bring dinner or dessert or take Maci! Having 2 is still hard for me & he's older than Mace. :) It does get easier though. Good luck!!

Malmstroms said...

You're not a wimp! It still takes me 3 1/2 hours, tears and a 25 pound diaper bag to get out of the house. You look great, your kids are darling and I'm glad I ran into you on your venture out!

Sarah said...

I think you are amazing, I STILL only take both girls out when it is an absolute necessity...and Brenna is 10 months now.

Leila is beautiful, as is the rest of your sweet little family. I miss you!