Tuesday, October 20, 2009


My sweet Schwimp has been such a champ! She is such a loving big sister and loves to give kisses and love to "baby yay-ya". Thankfully she has had her Gwamma here to help keep her busy and spoiled ;) We haven't regressed too much.....I do find her "re-visiting" her old things and pretending to be a baby......she has been sucking on that binky so hard over the last week that she has a rash on her upper lip....

She picked out pumpkins for our family with Gwamma....mysteriously the "Leila pumpkin" keeps disappearing from the porch. I have found it under the table, in her bike, thrown in the flower garden..... funny.

If someone is holding Leila, Maci must be held as well....it can get tricky.

Cuddle time with Camby and Uncle Adam.

Maci and Gwamma

Hanging out with Daddy
She seems to be adjusting well.I think I had a harder time anticipating her reaction and displacing my feelings onto her than she has actually had dealing with the change. We are all doing well and hopefully I'll figure this out soon ;)


laurice. said...

The pumpkin disappearing is hilarious! I hope Camden does that well.

Jamie Jensen Hill said...

I love that pic of her and Tanner. She just looks so grown up or something...

ashley g. said...

You know- it's so hard to figure things out when your exhausted. I'm just glad that Maci hides the Leila pumpkin instead of the Leila baby. That would stink.

Glad that she gets to be a baby too! Nothing beats that!!