Monday, August 10, 2009

Humorous Signery

I don't know why I love random signs, but I do. One of my new favorite things to do on vacation is find different signs...some of these are actual signs posted, some I just found in resteraunts or stores... They aren't particularly funny.... just made me smile :)

This one was for Tan.....


laurice. said...

Love the signs! My favs the thong one.

They are getting married in the mesa temple so it will be a fun trip home for me especially with another little one.

cody+sara said...

Great post sister! I love that you documented your sign/smile moments.

Cara Rigby said...

how did I not see those or remember you taking pictures of them! I pretty much love the bird sitting in the martini glass ;)


Those are UBBER funny! And you are SUCH A DARLING pregnant girl!

Malmstroms said...

Looks like you had a super fun trip. Yes I did make my girls tutu's. They are so easy and you don't have to sew a thing! Hope you are doing well. You are the cutest ever!