Within the 5 minutes it took me to drive them home her face had swelled significantly and her nose was not pointing in the normal direction. She was bleeding all over me and wouldn't let me get a good look at her face to make sure she was okay. I had to take off my Nurse hat and play Mommy.... I made the decision to take her to the ER. I couldn't see any cuts but I was concerned about her mouth and the possibility of teeth being shoved up into her gums or something involving her palates. Meanwhile she hadn't calmed down a bit. It didn't help that this was right at nap time :)
She checked out okay and eventually took some Tylenol and fell asleep so the N.P. could finish assessing her (there was definitely memory of and fear from her hospitalization in October). They suggested we do a CT scan to rule out any fractures. I decided against it for many reasons..... they assumed her nose was broken but couldn't do anything to treat it since her young little nose is still soft cartilage. Other than that they sent us home to watch for signs of further head trauma or injury. Besides her "toucan beak" and bruises from eye to chin she was fine. It was quite the unexpected experience, It is so hard for me to make that decision. I keep thinking 'I should have just trusted myself and known she was okay and that I knew what to watch for if anything went wrong'....but as a Mom I'm not willing to take that risk. I would rather be safe than sorry...especially after I waited way too long to take her in October when she had croup. Bottom line, for me anyway, when in doubt it doesn't hurt to get another opinion. I am glad she is okay :)
Mom and Cara being sad in front of #B6 for the last time. So many memories have taken place here! It is hard to say goodbye and it isn't even my house! It was definitely surreal.
Mom and Cara again.....this was natural...I made them be sad in the previous :)
I stopped by Adam's work on his last day to pick up some boxes.....the last time he'll ever think about or see Skyview Technologies!
Camby and Cara saying goodbye to they're home. I took Cambria home with me for the rest of the week so that Cara and Adam didn't have to worrying about her. It was a lot of fun and pretty crazy! We watched A LOT of "melmo" (elmo), played at every park within 5 miles of my house, played at Gwamma's, reorganized my house each day (not in a good way) and ate a lot of banana bread.
I stopped by Adam's work on his last day to pick up some boxes.....the last time he'll ever think about or see Skyview Technologies!
Camby and Cara saying goodbye to they're home. I took Cambria home with me for the rest of the week so that Cara and Adam didn't have to worrying about her. It was a lot of fun and pretty crazy! We watched A LOT of "melmo" (elmo), played at every park within 5 miles of my house, played at Gwamma's, reorganized my house each day (not in a good way) and ate a lot of banana bread.
This is how we all felt at the end of the week! I am sooooo excited to have them close but i know it is a bittersweet transition for them. I hope they love it here so that we can keep them! We will definitely miss our trips to St. George and the loving, warm, generous home of the Rigby's! Welcome the North, we love you guys!
Ohhhhh poor sweet baby of yours. Look at her sad face!! But on the good side-Look at all her hair!! Hope your week is better ;)
Aww the pics look so sad! Poor schwimpie!
I glad your little schwimp is doing better. :) Those pictures of Adam and Cara's place in St. George really are sad. I didn't think they would be, but we too had some good memories there.
My eyes got all teary looking at poor lil' Macers. That is so sad! I'm glad you got your sister back close!!!
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