Sunday, December 28, 2008

I've got Christlike Attributes coming out my sleeves....

No the title of this post is not a self-descriptive statement.... it is an actual excerpt from Taylor's Farewell talk ;) Tanner's younger brother Taylor leaves for the MTC on Wednesday so today was his "Farewell". He gave a great talk and will be an incredible asset to the Washington D.C. South Mission. He is the such a sweetheart, we will really miss him! After Tay talked I had to run back to our ward to teach the Articles of Faith to the Primary kids....apparently it was a Ward goal that I wasn't aware of to have all the Primary Kids learn and pass off the 13 Articles of Faith. Um.....I'm pretty sure I can't do that! Well 1 hour and 36 antsy-pantsy kids later we did it! It was quite the haul and I was completely exhausted after teaching, singing and passing off all of them in ONE DAY!!! (last day of the year!)
So I ran back to my in-laws for the Farewell Shindig! It was friends, family, noise, laughter, ridiculous amounts of food (including salsa made by my newly-discovered-chef-of-a-husband) and some tears.

Here is our little Missionary just after being set apart as an Elder....looks a little nervous huh! ;)

Out of nowhere Maci comes walking in with this huge bling of a necklace and a purse.....seriously who's kid is this!?!? She refused to take it off and just stomped around like a little Diva with a huge cheesy grin on her face.

Princess Maci in her throne.....she loves sitting....go figure.....I'm in for it.

Maci and Tanner's Uncle Darren, yeah, he is already interrogating her too! (ha ha)

Tan and Lizzy-Bug

Blurred picture of Grammy K, Auntie Tash and Mace

Taylor and his "friend" Jessica. After stuffing my face with a lifetime supply of food I had to jet off to work. I just hope some of Taylor's Christlike Attributes will rub off on me sooner than later ;) Love you TayTay!

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