Right after we picked
Tash up from the Airport we raced home for her appointment with the Stake President where she was released as a missionary. It was incredible to hear her testimony and feel the spirit so strongly as she told of her experiences. Then we quickly packed up, raced to Cafe Rio for her first meal home! (no complaints from me!) We drove straight up to Bear Lake for
Conference weekend.... it was
sooo beautiful! The leaves were changing colors already! Taylor's theme for the weekend was "packing the shrimp"....every time I turned around he was stuffing her in some kind of bag and swinging her around.....she spent s
ome time getting to know her Aunt
Tash and as always we ate way too much! It was so nice to spend the weekend together....ALL together ;)
Tanner's Sister Natasha came home Friday after serving an honorable and incredible mission in Chicago..... We are soooo proud of her, excited to have her home, anxious to catch her up, and grateful for her faithful service. We love you!! WELCOME HOME!!!!
Yay!!! Can't wait to see her.
yah. we love tasha. welcome home.
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