Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Update Schmupdate

Maci peering out our front window to the outside world....she was totally enthralled! Happy 24th of July! It was freakin hot! Maci was a trooper and did great until the fire engines came by ;)
Maci and "Gwamma" at the Bountiful Parade..
Wide-eyed and watching the floats go by....
Maci and "Gwamma" hootin' and hollerin' at the Days of '47 Rodeo ;)
She wore out quickly....showing her grumpiness about 1/4 through the rodeo...
He He He He....that face KILLS me!
Giddy up Cowgirls!
Maci LOVES when Daddy comes home from work! She immediately grins and reaches her arms out for him (She gets it from me cause I do the same thing :))
She was trying to learn how to use/eat Daddy's phone... Below is her newest addition to her repertoire of silly faces. It is hard to catch on camera but it is insanely cute!

Apparently, my family feels as though I don't post enough pictures of Maci.... Actually, I get the feeling they would like an hourly post with at least 5 pics each. Well for the sanity of the rest of you (if there are any others ;)) I will refrain from hourly updates. But I hope this satisfies your weekly Maci fix!


Lauren Maley said...

It does satisfy my daily fix however, i am in need of some serious ER stories love. hook a sister up!!

Cara Rigby said...

Yea, I guess it satisfies my "fix", but I can't gurantee it will for long. With a silly, adorable, grown up girl like her that I haven't see in way too long, I'll need more frequent Maci time. Thank you for so graciously posting those :)

Sarah said...

Can you really ever get enough Maci?? I sincerely doubt it. I love her!!

Paige said...

That face kills me... she is too cute! So we're going to be neighbors starting next week - so maybe we could get together?!? :)

ashley g. said...

Can you get a daily fix? She is adorable- I love how sweet she is. And her funny faces- they are the best. Maci, you need to be my friend. You are just too cute not to be.

Mishlers said...

I love all the pictures! I agree that its impossible to get enough!!

erin sheely said...

Oh I can't wait to see her again!! What a cuteface.

Andrea W. said...

I LOVE LOVE the first and last pictures,they're all cute, but those are my favs.

The Wolf Family said...

So cute! And 'Gwamma' and mom are looking great too! Sure do miss you guys! We're coming out to those there parts in December...feel like catching up?? :)

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

That little girl has more faces in her arsenal than any other kids that age that I've seen! And yes, keep the pictures coming!!

Mandolin said...

First off...You are so beautiful!!! And Maci is too! What a beautiful family! Maybe you guys should model as a family! You know like those advertisements for homes with the adorable families that make you want to move there and live by such cute families!!! It's so good to read about you and your lives together!!!