Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Princess Camby!!

One year ago today I was extremely pregnant, hot, home alone, unable to travel and clinging to my phone as I listened to the beautiful sound of Cambria Taelen Rigby's cry on the first day of her life! My beautiful angel niece came to her anxious parents healthy, strong and ready to be loved! It has been an incredible year and our lives wouldn't be the same without her gummy smiles, chunky thighs, bright eyes and expressive features..... WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Maci is the luckiest cousin ever, thanks for showing us the way! Happy Birthday Princess!


Paige said...

She's such a cutie - I can't believe she's one. Maci's almost there, too! How fun to have cousins so close.

becky rigby said...

How sweet, what a cute post. I just found out one of my good friends works for Ragnar. Erin Pilkington, I think she said she's tanner assistant.