Sara and I took Maci and Easton to Sugarhouse park to feed the Ducks. Maci was terrified and Easton was lovin' it! All I can say is that geese are scary, I didn't even dare get within arms length of them...... Easton was just face to face with them practically shoving bread down their throats! It was a lot of fun. Good idea Sar! We stopped by Maggie Moo's on the way home to help us survive the is so hard ;)
The ruffle-bum swimsuit speaks for itself.... that pic is for you sister! Maci loved the pool! She was mesmerized by all the splashing and swimming and the fact that she could kick her legs without so much effort! Farmington Pool has never seen such a scene! I love summer! I love the freedom of the sun, warm weather, longer days, clear nights.... it is the best. I hope winter never comes again!
Maci is too cute! I am in love with her swimsuit! Thanks for all the support this last week it meant a lot to me!
HA!!! You're lucky I'm not the type to hate you over posting the ugliest pictures of my freaking face~ I just like hanging out! You're cute!
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