I LOVE going to baseball games!! The atmosphere, the smells of freshly cut grass, dirt,
hot dogs and
kettle corn, little boys with too big hats, the wave.... I LOVE it! Mostly because it reminds me of some of my favorite childhood memories of going to Padres and Angels games. I can't stand watching them on TV but being there in person is awesome; doesn't matter if it is little league or the Major leagues. My cute cousin Katie and her hubby Justin met us and we went to the game last weekend. Justin got his peanuts and I got my
kettle corn.... the Bees lost but we cheered like fools and had a blast!
Definitely worth the $7 dollars it took to get in and "find" or own seats.

I am so jealous!! I want to go to a Bee's game with you and Katie Jane!!!
I'm with Lauren - that looks like SO MUCH FUN. I think my kids would love it (especially if there is screaming and kettle corn :)
Did you know Jeff is a Baseball FIEND!!! I grew up going to Dodgers games as a kid....we should all go to a BUZZ game. it looks like so much fun!
I'm so with you on this one. Love going to baseball games, hate watching them on TV. Weird! We haven't been to see the Bees play yet. Sounds like we're missing out!
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