Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Maci's 8 Month Pics

Last Week My sweet friend Paige took these pictures of Maci and Cambria. I am so fed up with Kiddie Kandids, Sears, JCpenney......their pictures stink and it is the most stressful experience ever! Anyway, Paige is an up and coming photographer and wanted to practice taking pics of babies. She did an amazing job! They turned out so cute. Maci was a little pill... she had be SO smiley and happy all day then as soon as we got there she glued on the frowny face and was really hard to get cute pictures of. One of my favorites is the one on her tummy where she is holding her arms and legs up like superman.... she HATED the grass! So funny. Thanks Paige! The link to her photography page is on the right side of my page under 'Randomly Awesome Sites'.....she is running a really great start up special too. Check it out!


Lauren Maley said...

super cute!!! only three weeks and a day!!!!!1

Eliza said...

wow, there is nothing cuter than not one, but two, adorable little girls together! both of them are just absolutely gorgeous!

Paige said...

Thanks Kristin ~ you're so sweet & Maci is a doll! I'm so glad you like the pictures.

ashley g. said...

mom's internet too slow... can't see pics! oh, the torture.

I'm sure that she is adorable- and with Paige- you can never go wrong. Can't wait to see them!

laurice. said...

How cute! She is so beautiful!