I apologize to all of you who are completely and utterly disgusted with my copious amounts of Baby pictures.... you probably think that my entire life revolves
around my daughter and that the only exciting moments involve her.... I must seem like a boring stay-at-home-mom with nothing else to do but talk about my child.... well I am. That's me. And I love it. So if you are sick of these darling/endless pictures... tune back in in about 20 years when something else is more important ;)
Here are just a few recent pics of some of my FAVORITE chubby babes..

This was
Maci's first day "out in the Sun" at a bridal shower for Tan's cousin.. She had a hard time adjusting to the sunlight, hated the grass, stole some of Grammy K's roll, choked on
grammy's roll, laughed at her second cousin Matthew and enjoyed being held by all the guests.

Above she is
practicing her "Blue Steel"... I love it! She hasn't pulled this face since about 3 mos. Funny huh!

She looks like and old beer-bellied man in a hot tub... could she look anymore comfortable? She is totally
diggin the
sink baths!
Maci LOVED being in this swing! Unfortunately it was one of those randomly freezing cold spring days so we couldn't play long but she giggled like crazy!

The classic "Don't hate me cause I'm Beautiful" look....

Last week I got to watch
Easton and
Maci by myself for a few hours. It was surprisingly so much fun! They were all so good. It didn't hurt that i could put one in the high chair, one in the swing and one in the bouncer....
Easton is walking, Cambers is "creeping" and
Maci's is a roller. It was fun to watch them interact with
each other.
Easton was a total ladies man! He would just flash his handsome grin at
Maci and
Cambria and they would smile back....
Cambria thought it was pretty funny to take his
binky out of his mouth and watch him be shocked...
Easton did not think it was funny....he would grab it right back and shove it back in his mouth. He is such a
stinkin cute Kid!! I love his cute bald head!

Maci sat in the swing and watched while the two 'mobile' babies flirted and teased
each other....
I am in awe of anyone who has more than one child!?! How do you do it? It is completely exhausting and stressful! I am for sure having Mother move in once #2 comes!
These pictures are so adoreable!! She is getting cuter and cuter. Please keep the pictures coming!
Oh my goodness...I love that one of her in the tub just chillin! And the first one with her big toothy smile...I miss her! I think I'm going to have a serious situation on my hands if Cambria is already flirting with older boys :)
I love the pics of all of the babes with their binks! HA! You're a champ~ Thanks again!
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