It is so good to be home! Vacations are awesome but it is so nice to come home....especially when the cutest 8 month old is waiting for you. At the airport,
Maci just stared at me for a minute, got a huge grin and reached her arms out for me..... it was the best!! However, she has spent the last few days punishing us for leaving her! Someone (Aunt Lizzy or Aunt Hannah? :) taught her how to throw a fit while we were away.... she won't let me put her down or be out of her sight at all. It is frustrating but the BEST frustrating I've ever felt!
Sunday night my Mom invited our good friends from Arizona up for her amazing Chinese food. Kelly and I were joined at the hip during 5
th and 6
th grade! This was only the 2
nd or 3rd time
I've gotten to meet her husband Layne so it was a lot of fun to
reminisce and laugh about all the goofy things we did. Her Mom and Sister Kim came too and had different memories of us..... funny how different stories are when we aren't telling them ;)
Maci helped train Layne for Daddy-hood.... it was a little rocky to begin with. I've never seen
Maci kick and squirm so hard to get away from someone! She warmed up to him though and was really cute.
Kimmers and Han Bug.

Me, Kim and Kelly.

One of these two doesn't look as happy as the other.

It was so fun! I can't wait to get together again. Hopefully next time the Nelsons will have some exciting news to share! j/k Love you guys. Happy Birthday Donna!
Oh I bet it was so good to hold that sweet little girl again! It's so great to get away, but there's nothing like coming home to little ones!
Love the pictures! That was such a good time! I can't wait to get together again. Be sure and let me know when Heather comes to town. Thanks for letting Layne hold Maci. It's good practice for him. :)
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