Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Cabin fever and "Airing Laundry"

We aren't that good at sitting up in the Bebe Pod yet. She tends to slump over the side and get stuck and frustrated (that is her cute 'help' face)..... maybe when she can fill it out a little more, til then we will keep working on it!

I am sooooo tired of being stuck inside. So go out you say!?!? It just isn't as easy as it used to be! As many of you well know, going out with a little one takes A LOT of luggage and various paraphenelia. Despite the packing it takes, once that is done you have to squeeze in outings between feedings, naps, fits, etc. It was a lot easier to go out when Maci was newborn and slept no matter where we went. Don't get me wrong..... she is a blast no matter when or where we are but it just isn't as easy. Needless to say... I definately have a case of the February Blahs! So if anyone else is suffering, give me a call and we'll make it a date ;)
Unfortunately, I have also contracted a case of the "I'm not folding laundry so dig through it if you need clean clothes" -itis. I haven't folded one piece of laundry since the washer was fixed a week ago. So there it sits on the couch.... it has kind of turned into an expirament now...... how long will it take before 'someone else' takes matters into his own hands? We shall see. I apologize for 'airing my dirty laundry'. Have a good one!


Andrea W. said...

Oh Kristin, I'm so with you. Ben is at the stage where he will not stay in the cart and it's not like he's going to just walk nicely by my side, so to shop with him is like running a marathon. So, here I sit at almost 2:00 in the afternoon trying to get motivated to finish exercising so I can actually shower. As for laundry, well it is so laundry day but I can't seem to find the will to start the whole process. Good times.

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

Ahh, the old see who "folds first" game! I know it well! The pile of misc. socks and underwear looks all too familiar! I started playing that game years ago, and by now, Layne has developed an actual fondness for folding laundry! I do it every few weeks, but he usually just flips on some sports and has it done in no time!

Cara Rigby said...

Good luck with that expeirament...I'll be anxious to see how long you hold out :) As for that sweet Maci face, it is so adorable. She's almost saying "Why mom? Why would you put me in this horrible seat? What are you doing to me?" Sorry about the February Blahs, I wish I was there. I would totally come over and play all day with you :) I love you

Jami said...

Kristin- I TOTALLY have a case of the February Blahs and if I was in Utah, we'd be doing something fun together today for sure! It might be a little tricky with all four of our kids, but I'm sure we could figure something out! Also, your little Maci is just so adorable. I really want to meet her in person!

ashley g. said...

I know how to fix the February blahs... come to TX and visit us!! The weather is warm and humid, and perfect for little babies and their bebe pods. By the way- we will be in UT from March 2 - 13. Hopefully we can get together, and I'll fold your laundry for you. (I've tried that experiment before and now, we just leave it in the dryer until it is time to wear them. I suggest skipping the entire laundry basket step.)

Sarah said...

Your laundry story reminds me of my whole house. "I'll clean it when we move out," I say. 2 months later, we still haven't moved out.

I LOVE bebe pods!! Maci looks so cute, and I love her "help me" face!

Miss you guys!

Eliza said...

kristin, sigh. you totally expressed my feelings right now. I'm sitting here blog stalking while I totally should be doing something productive while my kids are asleep at the same time which never happens, but no I just can't get myself to do it. I do live close to you and totally want to play, but that would mean me having to actually shower and gathering up my whole house to go anywhere, oh well, we can bond through blogging right?

laurice. said...

I wished we lived closer so we could get out together! I am always stuck in the house! Camden is now 18 months and we still have luggage wherever we go! It's a joke with the weather right now so leaving is not an option and we are going crazy! As for laundry I think everyone goes through that from time to time because it's a never ending process!

Jacee McGuire said...

I know how you feel about getting out with a little one and when it is so cold. When Kens was little and we were in Boston I hated going out which led to a crazy women...Poor Billy. It gets so much easier the older they get! I even forget my diaper bag and we are ok. I am sorry it is so cold there. You will have to let us know how long the laundry stays there...good idea!

Swan Family said...

Hey Kristen, I'm glad you found my blog, and I love reading yours. Maci looks so much like you! She's adorable...and as for your stack of laundry, I say just go out and shop for a new wardrobe before you wash anything. Great excuse to do so, don't you think?

Karly said...

I've thought often how useless laundry seems to be....I know I'm going to wear it again the next day and have to wash it all over never ends. At least February is over tomorrow... hopefully the February blahs go with it!