Sunday, March 2, 2008

Speeding Schmeeding

Not that I am proud of this, but I got out of my first ticket this weekend. I was driving on a back road in bountiful Friday night and apparently was driving 10 mph over the limit (come on!?!? 10 mph?) Anyway, for those of you who know me and my persistent struggle with driving the speed limit.....well driving in general, I don't have ANY more leeway in the ticket department so I was really scared! When he came back to the window and handed me my license and just said " slow down a little and change the address on your license, Have a good night" I was in shock. I burst into tears and started thanking him profusely! I have NEVER gotten away without a ticket EVER! I am so grateful! Tanner would have made me sleep in my car at the bus stop.


Cara Rigby said...

There are no words. Except that I'm proud of you for finally getting out of a ticket...I'll bet my life the guy thought you were cute and didn't want to suspend your license right there. Then he probably saw Maci in the back and was like..."Dang that baby is cute. She doesn't deserve to get a ticket." I'll bet that's word for word how it went down. :)

sara elizabeth said...

HA! Way to work the law! We need to get you a trophy or something really cool - bowling ball?