Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy 4th Anniversary Baby Love!

Wow! Four years babe.... four awesome, exciting, happy, hard-working, fun years. It is hard to believe that I have only known my best friend for 5 years.... I have come such a long way. You have taught me so much about life, love and commitment. You always know how to make me laugh, or when I just need to cry.... you put up with my craziness and let me express my deepest fears. You encourage me to be myself and honor my dreams. You remind me how special I am and challenge me to reach my full potential.
I love you so much. I love your honesty and determination to be fair. I love your concern for others.... family, friends and anyone in need.

I love how hard you work.... it never stops.... if you aren't physically at work you are thinking of how to improve it or new ideas for the company. I am so proud of your courage and determination to start up a new business even when everyone thought you were nuts. I love watching you with Maci. You are such an incredible Daddy... she is one lucky little schwimp!! I love you Tanner Bell!!! More than I ever thought possible 4 years are my best friend and my greatest blessing. I am so excited for another year with you and many more to come.


Ann-Marie said...

Congratulations! Time goes too quickly.

Andrea W. said...

How sweet. Happy Anniversary!

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Yay for marriage!

Oh, and Maci does look EXACTLY like Maryweather! She was always my favorite fairy.