We are finally home from California. We ended up only being gone for 6 days but honestly it felt like 2 weeks. It was a lot of driving! I spent yesterday literally doing laundry and taking naps....I was exhausted. Well, I have a lot of ground to cover.
First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I feel like we kind of got jipped out of our holidays this year because of preparing for the big wedding, lack of funds, and traveling. We did get to spend some special time with both of our families though and that was a highlight of the season. We got to get together with my Mom, Hanbug, Crocketts, Goghs and Grandpa for a delicious christmas brunch on the 22nd. Stuffed French toast is a wonderful thing that I always thought I hated....it was gooooood.
We got to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning with Tanner's family. It was so fun! We watched home videos, ate wonderful food,got to talk to Tasha, and just enjoyed being together. I ended up not having to work on Christmas day which NEVER happens....in fact I have only had one Christmas morning with Tanner since we have been married. I could get used to the not working life....at least for the holidays ;)
We got California late wednesday and the whirlwind began! Pedicures, setting up for the luncheon, tuxedo fittings, pictures,running errands......I don't remember what happened when. We were so blessed to steal Chris away for the day on Thursday and spent our time at Knott's Berry Farm..... Cara, Chris and I have sooo many memories there from when we were little.....it was a blast. I haven't ridden a roller coaster for over 5 years and I was wuickly reminded why. I hate feeling like I am not securely strapped in, and being shorter thtn most I ALWAYS feel that way. We had a lot of fun though and the time with Chris was priceless.
Good Times!!
I will write about the wedding later, as well as our 4th Anniversary
It is good to be home
you better add me in to that list of people that had a christmas brunch =) can't wait to see you!
Happy Anniversary! Your little girl is getting so big and is so cute...Ok so you have to fill me in what is stuffed french toast?
4 years? Way to hang in there!! Just kidden. That has gone by so quickly! I am also wondering what stuffed french toast is. Share the recipe?
Stuffed french toast is a baked creation of goodness... basically a layer of bread, layer of sweetened cream cheese, another layer of bread, covered in a cinnamon-milk-egg mixture.... let it sit over night then bake.... DELICIOUS. So good with homemade jam on top...syrup is yummy too. I can e-mail the recipe if you want it.
Happy Anniversary!
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