Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mop-ectomy....for a good cause

I've been looking forward to this all summer ;) My hair is heavy, it is hot and it is time consuming..... I know, rough life!

I have been growing it out though, in order to donate it to 'Locks of Love' again. I did it when I turned 17. My hair grows fairly fast and if I can tolerate it past a certain point, it isn't too bad ;)

Before pictures.......

Tanner's incredibly beautiful and talented Aunt Jen volunteered to cut it when i was ready....little did I know it takes a good two months to get in to see her ;) She was awesome and took these shots for me....

First cut!!

Finished product....about 5 lbs lighter and A LOT easier to care for ;)

Not my best angle....but you get the idea. All in all we chopped off about 23 inches and I donated 19 to Locks of Love, which is a charity organization that processes donated human hair and produces wigs for children with leukemia and alopecia. Sick kids happen to hold a special place in my heart. Been there, done that. I know what it's like to be a kid and want nothing more than to fit in and to feel like you have no control over your appearance or life. I love that this is a way for me to give back. So simple for me but I know it makes a HUGE difference in the lives of those kids.......even if they get stuck with my black 'witch' hair :)

1 comment:

Alder Family said...

Adorable!!! I want to see the front too :)