Tuesday, November 3, 2009

BOO! Scared yet?

HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!!!

Can you guess what this cute little thing is for Halloween? If you guessed a stinkin' cute 3 week old Pippy....You're RIGHT!!!

She enjoyed all the Halloween festivities via osmosis.

My favorite part of Maci's little Duck costume......

her little ducky buns! So cute!

She didn't quite grasp the Trick or Treating idea.....

She thought it was preposterous that she should be expected to leave her newly acquired "canny" in the bucket!

Tanner's Pumpkin creations.....

I think the Ragn-O-lantern should be an annual tradition.

It looks so awesome all lit up at night!

Mimi went all out for our "Bewitching Boo-berry Pancake" breakfast!

It has been a long standing tradition in Tanner's family and Maci absolutely LOVED it!

This picture is out of place.......check us out. You may be wondering what I am supposed to be.....I am wondering the same.

Mimi let Maci cast the spell and stir the magic Boo-berry batter...

she may or may not of full on sneezed into it....nobody noticed any difference ;)

Tanner's best impression of Elder Taylor Corey George Bell.....

notice the shape of the pumpkin...resemblance is uncanny!

My husband. Yep. I married this Kook.

Miss Schwimp carving/watching pumpkins with Bampa

We had a great day! Yogurt parfaits,Family, Boo-berry pancakes, pumpkin carving, caramel apple dipping and lots of Fun in the morning, and some great Trick or Treating in the evening with Adam, Cara and their freaking cute black cat Babia. There aren't a whole lot of things more amusing than Maci and Cambria hopped up on sugar and dressed up like animals. I LOVE Halloween, but let's just say it's a good thing Halloween only happens once a year ;)


cody+sara said...

Cute pics sister! Looks like you had fun!

laurice. said...

So adorable! Love all the costumes.

Paige said...

You guys have such fun family traditions! I love it. And Maci's little duck bum is the cutest!!

ashley g. said...

Is that a Dolly Parton wig? Who needs extensions- I got to get me one of them wigs!

And that little ducky-bum just looks so pinchable. Cute girls!

Stephanie said...

Such a cute little duck! Miss you at work.. ..

Jamie Jensen Hill said...

Love the Ragn-o-lantern! Wish I coulda seen it all lit up!