Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Utah State Fair

As I am determined to find something that my child is not utterly terrified of, we ventured to the Utah State Fair in hopes of a good time. I love fairs....they are so cheesy and ridiculous.....kind of like a white trash parade of redneckishness. No offense. Really. There is no other place like it. Where else can you find sharks, bears, henna tattoos, Mexican handicrafts, deep fried PB & J's, farm animals and flower arrangements all in the same place? Entertaining it was!

We got "trapped" in the shark cage....

Had "bushels" of fun.....

Forced our kids to have little "bushels" of fun....

Bonded with eachother.....

Bonded with the moo-cows....

With the goats....

Fed/taunted the sheep...

Got close up, one on one contact with the nice animals....

Oh, wait! This is as close as Maci got to t animals......yeah, outside pushing her stroller around while Easton and Cambria bravely stood inches away from the terrifying beasts....

My cute Sar Bear with her boys...

Cambria and Maci shared a rare moment of peaceful contact...

 cute is that?

Hangin' in the Pear tree (how random is that? why not a clown or balloons?)....

We did have a lot of fun....thanks for the ticket hookups Sar!
All in All fairs are lame but so worth it ;) Next year I'll for sure be hitting the "Big Yellow Slide" then having myself a big old Funnel Cake!

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