lisp was purely for Ashley Jane
Cahoon Knell's 4
th of July enjoyment :) Love ya
The pictures in this post ended up being posted to
chronologically follow our exciting celebration of the birth of our Nation, Please start at the bottom of the post.

We wimped out and didn't make it to a real Firework show so we made our own. Tan and Adam gladly lit each firework with care and safety (yeah right)...more like a flashback to their pyromaniac scout camp days. It started out great. 30 seconds into the first firework when it started whistling, My sweet
Maci freaked out! Whole body clenched, tears, trembling fingers, wide eyes....I have never seen anything like it except for in cartoons! My Mom had to take her inside for the rest of the show.

I was laughing way too hard to get a picture of her, plus I
doubt I could have pried her off of my body in order to get a shot of her face. By the way, can anyone explain to me why Fireworks are so expensive? Especially when each one in the pack of 20 are exactly the same only with different names! New pet peeve.

Had to catch this sunset....BEAUTIFUL! My Mom has the greatest views from her porch! I miss it:)

We had a traditional
Cahoon BBQ with Veggie Burgers, Baked Lays, Baked beans, veggie pasta salad, watermelon and homemade 'Lemon Orange Banana' Ice Cream. YUM! I felt bad for Adam and Tanner so I bought them these ginormous beef patties mostly for the fun of watching them try to eat them. Tanner's creation up close...can you hear the cow
moooooing still?

Tan and his
ridiculously large burger...and yes he finished the entire thing less than 2 minutes from when this picture was taken;)
Macibug and
Cambs riding the T-train....
Cambria telling me no....surprised?
Maci in the
ChaCha dress the
Gwamma Cathy bought just for the 4
th of July....

Table wars. We do this
every time. they both grab on to the side of the table and then proceed to push and pull and scream at
each other.

Maci looking out the window of C.O.S. at the cheering parade crowds...she was so cute! She was waving and dancing the whole time!

Tan's beautiful sisters were so cute to help out and throw shirts from the back of the truck. They were totally
workin' the crowd and loving it. Thanks guys!

We didn't have time to take the truck, van and trailer to a car wash before the parade so as we were waiting for our turn we parked in the sprinklers then wiped them off with extra t-shirts. Nice!
Our granola bar stash to throw out to the crowd. Silly huh....I couldn't let them throw out candy! It doesn't can't promote a running event by throwing out taffy! Sure it would have been cheaper and everyone might have got one but who will remember it?!? I convinced Tan to do granola bars and was seriously regretting it when we ran out less than halfway down the route....sorry
Kaysville ;(

Ready to go!

schwimp in the Captain's seat. She loved it!

We started the day off by driving C.O.S. (chariot of sweetness), T.O.D and the B.A.T. (big a%# trailer) in the
Kaysville parade. We weren't so sure about it at first but we convinced Tanner's family at the last minute to help us out and it was a blast! They were great to help and the Ragnar Vehicles were a hit....we thought so:)

My Mom, sisters and I went to the Oakley Rodeo on Wednesday since it was sold out for the 3rd and 4
th. It was hilarious! I'm not a fan of country music, wranglers, stinky horses and bulls.....but let me tell you, rodeos are the BEST people watching around! It is actually fascinating to glimpse into a totally different lifestyle and see how they thrive on and love what they do. Plus, it is unreal to see what kind of abuse the human body can take! Bucking broncos and riding bulls is insane!

It was freezing and wet and squishy but oh so worth it! Of course, Tanner found a way to get out of it so it ended up being
just a girls night....who wouldn't enjoy that :)
I caught my Mom mid "groove" in this cute is she!?!?

Happy 4
th! I love celebrating our freedoms and am so grateful for the blessing it is to live in such a beautiful country with so many
Awesome that Ragnar got to be in a PARADE!!! How fun! Next year lets make all the kids ride in the back of the truck in Ragnar Orange and squirt people with squirt guns!!
Holy smokes!! You have been doing so many fun things lately! I'll be honest though, the picture of Tan's burger made me gag a bit. =)
I love seeing pictures of you and your cutie-cakes Maci! Hope you are feeling okay!
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