Mace is in the funnest stage right now! I love every minute we get together! Even the Schwimpy ones :) She is my little buddy and loves to be with me.....the greatest thing in the world!! She is so even tempered most of the time and loves to be along for the ride. It's great. By the way, Lowe's has the best "kid carts" ever....they are huge and can't be crawled out of.
They let me tag along on their Daddy/Daughter outing :)
Maci in the Lowe's Monster Truck....

When we are out to eat she refuses to use her sippy cup... it has to be a normal cup with a straw.... half of it ends up in her chair. I guess I'm supposed to encourage independence right?

Much to my shock and terror....Maci discovered that she can climb onto the counter now. Awesome.
She is still super obsessed with shoes....O-B-S-E-S-S-E-D! First word in the morning, last word at night and pretty much a constant trough out the day. She Freaking LOVES them. (yeah, sure....point your fingers at me) She can even put most of them on herself and 8 out of 10 times they are on the right feet!

When we are out to eat she refuses to use her sippy cup... it has to be a normal cup with a straw.... half of it ends up in her chair. I guess I'm supposed to encourage independence right?
Much to my shock and terror....Maci discovered that she can climb onto the counter now. Awesome.
She confiscates her friends' shoes when they come over to play.... so Mothers beware...if you are missing shoes, check with me :)
She is so quick to give loves and kisses. She loves "Melmo" right now and will watch an entire episode of Sesame Street. She will color on anything....but she actually colors where I tell her to....on the bath tub, scratch paper, etc. So far no catastrophes!
She loves Baby signing time and picks up the signs pretty fast...It's Tan and i that hinder her progress because we can't remember what they mean :)
She says a plethora of words all day and sometimes they make sense! She will mimic pretty much everything I say (scary, I know) and her favorite words right now are 'Dabbie' (Daddy), 'Mah-ma' (gramma), 'MeMe' (grammy), 'Bampa' (grandpa), Mooo, Ruf-ruf, teet-teet (tweet tweet), 'sthacks' (fruit snacks), 'BeBe' (binky, blanket or bottle), 'ammeen' (amen), Melmo (elmo), "side" (outside) and of course 'Shoos' (shoes)
I LOVE this angel and I am so very grateful that I get to be her Mother. I truly am blessed to wake up to this little rugrat every day!
Who wouldn't love her? She is an angel every time I see her. Is she ever in a stinker of a mood? I don't think it's possible.
And yes- I pointed my finger at you for the shoe obsession.
Seriously could she be any cuter?? I love that she's talking - it's so fun to see their personalities. And the shoe thing... you had to know that was coming!!
Sheesh she's cute! And by golly aren't you the cutest prego mother of one I've ever seen! CONGRATS, btw!
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