Sorry all of these pictures are out of order....I am too tired to start over and put them in order :(
During the Tri all I could think of was the bread twists at Pizza factory.....true sign of pregnancy right? So, straight from the finish line we went there. Sweaty, bloody, stinky and oh so hungry!
It was all I'd hoped it would be and more. I can't get enough of it :)
Sara and I continued the celebration of our accomplishment by indulging in a pedicure....don't worry, that isn't blood! We wanted to try something different but by the time we realized we hated this look we were too scared to say anything. The crazy nail man was threatening to cut off one toe time we changed our minds......I was actually very afraid.
Despite our fear we still managed to have some fun...

Tan and I "riding" in the old school Fire truck at pizza Factory....
Like I said, Life is Good!
Sara's hubby Cody happens to have an entire arsenal of shooting weaponry...seriously, he just kept whippin' them out of his bag. He was nice enough to teach how to shoot and let us practice with his precious babies. Such an activity naturally led to many conversations about concealed weapons and gun safety, etc. When I asked Cody why he "packed heat" he said..."because I can and it's cool." Total boy answer if I ever heard one. :) It really was fun.
Nice form Huh?

After shooting the 'normal' handgun (I have no idea what they are called) I was done...I am not a fan of guns, mostly because I am not in the least bit comfortable around them. But, Cody pulled out this super cute little gun that I HAD to try. Yeah, I volunteered....apparently it is way more powerful and scared the bajeebers out of me. Just goes to show "Dynamite comes in small packages" (Grandma used to always tell me that when I felt bad about being the runt).
Since Sara stole my camera and took these random pics I thought I owed it to her to post my favorite.

Cambria and Maci were ridiculous. I was infinitely more tired after spending an hour with them alone than I was after finishing the triathlon. They would NOT lay off each other! We literally had to pull them off each other 4 or 5 times....full on leg wraps, hair pulling, feet in the face neck holds. It was crazy!

My luscious JackJack.....isn't he beautiful?!
The great escape....note to self-- do not leave open door unattended.
This was Maci's favorite place to perch... I swear she colored on every piece of paper in sight!
Sorry sister! You'll be finding hidden messages for years to come!

Maci gettin' a feel for a big girl bike
And for the very best part of the weekend.......Cara and Adam announced that they are moving back up north!!! Adam got a great job at the Bountiful Location of Chuck O Rama as the production manager and he starts on June 1st! I can't believe it is actually happening.
It was all I'd hoped it would be and more. I can't get enough of it :)
Tan and I "riding" in the old school Fire truck at pizza Factory....
Cambria and Maci were ridiculous. I was infinitely more tired after spending an hour with them alone than I was after finishing the triathlon. They would NOT lay off each other! We literally had to pull them off each other 4 or 5 times....full on leg wraps, hair pulling, feet in the face neck holds. It was crazy!
My luscious JackJack.....isn't he beautiful?!
Sorry sister! You'll be finding hidden messages for years to come!
Maci gettin' a feel for a big girl bike
And for the very best part of the weekend.......Cara and Adam announced that they are moving back up north!!! Adam got a great job at the Bountiful Location of Chuck O Rama as the production manager and he starts on June 1st! I can't believe it is actually happening.
I know it has been a hard and scary decision for them to make but I can't even begin to say how truly ecstatic I am!! I get to be with almost ALL of my Family for the whole summer! We are so excited to have you guys closer, it will be incredible!
I loved all the pictures! I'm so excited for you and Cara! You'll have so much fun. You should have her look at Rachel Error's house. It's so cute!
Congrats on the triathlon! I am super impressed that you did it pregnant. But then again, you are super tough!
Way to go!
I can't believe you shot (much less held!) a gun! Scary! Was it fun? :)
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