We got to spend time with our families over the weekend and Maci got to play outside a bit. I can't wait to go to the park and let her run herself ragged!
Side note-- I have had quite the car month. First the mirror fiasco ( I still blame the Garage), then a shredded tire which ended up turning into a brand new set of tires, only to get another flat tire the following week. Let's just say that Maci is now completely comfortable around the Burt Brother's Tire Center crew! I know them so well now, they give me the family discount ;)
what a cutie that maci is. i have loved the warm weather too.. and am hoping that the rain will stop and we will have some real spring soon!
I'm so ready for spring too!! We should go to the park when it gets warm again. :) didn't maci hate the swing at our house too last year?! Too funny... I love her!
cars. just like the @%$@ insurance, we have to have them. so sorry for all your car trouble! at least it lets you hang out with your cute girl in a brand new place... several times...
hope you are feeling good- how are you feeling btw? better, I hope!
cars suck.
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