Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Picky, Picky

Ha Ha! I can hear my Mother, siblings, husband, friends and pretty much anyone who has ever eaten a meal with me saying it "You deserve it!"
Maci is the pickiest eater. To make it worse ever since she saw Cambria feeding herself, she INSISTS she feed herself All the time. It is no pretty my friends!

Not only is she picky.....she is extremely fickle in her pickiness. Whenever I think I have finally found something she will eat, she won't. Despite my fear that she will end up with brittle bones or some kind of vitamin deficiency, the kid has to eat right? Don't get wrong she doesn't get to eat pudding and jelly beans all day (she would prefer it) but our happy medium is yogurt, eggos and deli turkey. That's it. No variety, No thank you. The only slightly funny thing about it is when I try to change it up with a little grilled cheese or rice or anything else for that matter she just frowns at me and pulls the bitter beer face. When it is one of her three choice foods I get a "dank do" (thank you).

So ha ha Mom, I finally get my pay back for being a pain ;)


ashley g. said...

That is awesome! I loved it when Kalli could feed herself- so messy but so much fun.

Cara Rigby said...

Hehe...you wish that this was payback. It's just starting ;) I'll be sure to thank Scamby for introducing Maci to the wonderful world of eating without moms help.

Lauren Maley said...

wow kris. . . that is funny. =)

Paige said...

She's adorable. I have a love/hate relationship with them feeding themselves. I wish I could put Brock outside & then just hose everything off when he's finished! :)