A nauseating, energy- sucking, appetite-killing, greatly-anticipated secret! Yep! Mini Bell #2 is on the way! I am 11 weeks along and definitely feeling it, which is unfortunate since I didn't have ANY nause/sickness with Maci....I was hoping they'd all be that easy. It isn't the nausea that bothers me as much as it is the sheer exhaustion and frustration with being unable to exercise, play with Maci, clean my house and be a good wife. I'll take it though ;)
Heart beat is strong and so far everything is legit. Yay!!
OH MY WORD!!! Happy St. Patrick's Day to YOU! Wahoo! Congrats!
YAY!!! It's not a tumor! and if it is, it has a hearbeat! Thank heavens I don't have to keep my mouth shut about it anymore :)
YAYYYYYYY!!!! Congratulations!!!!! Sorry you feel so lousy, boy do I relate. I'm feeling better though so bring that little Maci over here to play with us so you can nap or just lay there. We'd LOVE it. So what's your due date?
You seriously just made me cry, I am so happy for you!!! Congratulations I CANNOT wait to meet him/her. I love you!
Yay! Congrats. Maybe it's a boy since it so different.
congrats guys! that is super exciting.
ps- as a side note john told me this while i was still asleep this morning. he said- hey ash kristen bell is pregnant. in my sleepy not functioning brain state i first thought the kristen bell that lives across the street from me. granted it only took me about 3 seconds to realize it was you and not your mother in law- but it still made me laugh! glad it is you!! ( and i am sure kristen is glad it is you too!)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so excited for you guys! I'm sorry that you're feeling sick, there isn't much worse than having zero energy.
Little as Macy as a big sister.. so cute!
CONGRATS! This is so exciting! We are thrilled for you and your cute little family! Can't wait to see you (you're coming to visit me before you can't fly for awhile, right?) - Love and miss.
Congratulations! Very exciting. I am sorry you are not feeling well, take care of yourself and of course Maci. But don't sweat the small stuff, my house was a disaster for about 2 months with this pregnancy. Congrats again!
We are so happy for you guys!!! I'm so sorry you're sick... you need to send Maci over to our house to wear herself out while you rest! :) Call me.
CONGRATS!! That is wonderful news! Here's to hoping your little parasite gives you a break from feeling like you are continually climbing a mountain--even when you're just sitting on the couch. :) LOVE YOU!
Woot! Woot! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?
Hooray! Congrats!
Yay Kristin! That is SOOOO exciting! I had a feeling, you were acting so coy about it every time I've asked if another is on it's when any time soon. Congratulations to all of you!
Pheww...I didn't know how long I could keep your secret! :) (a whole 3 days....) Congrats!
Congrats Kristin! Two is crazy fun! Are you really going to run the NY race prego? You're NUTS! Awesome....but NUTS!! Take it easy...you can clean the house next year!!
Congrats Cahoon! I am so excited for you! I am a little behind on checking blogs. I hope you start to feel better soon.
YAY!! The Guymon's are cheering for you and sending thoughts of rest, calm stomachs and sweet little babies (meanimg one small one and one Maci- not twins!!) congrats!!
I have been waiting for your announcement post. I am just thrilled for you guys! Can't wait!! Hope you start feeling better soon.
Congratulations!! I am so excited for you two!!
Yay for baby heartbeats!!! Love you!
congrats! I'm so happy for you guys
Yea!! I am so happy for you guys
So happy for you guys! Congrats! I feel for ya with the morning sickness. Maybe it's a boy! Let's go to dinner - you choose the place.
Congrats! You have such cute kids...I can't wait to see this newest addition! May the nauseousness go away soon!
Congratulations to you guys! Maci will be the best/cutest big sister ever. Hang in there, the horrible sickness I had with my last pregnancy is still SO fresh in my mind, but thank goodness there is an end to it all, hopefully SOON!
Congrats! Please don't tell me you ran a half marathon pregnant and are doing a tri too!
Wahooey!! :) That's what I get for not blog reading for waay too long! CONGRATS!! Two is such a party! Hopefully the tiredness will get better after the first part is over!! Maci is such a cutie! As are YOU!
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