I won't go into much detail but here were some of the highlights:
*Friday morning temple session (Thanks Lize for waking me up at the important parts)
*Lunch at the garden room in the JSMB....my first time there. It was a gorgeous view, okay food and awesome conversation.
*Quilt tying....well, talking while very few tied the super cute quilt!
*Delicious Butternut squash, White Bean Chicken soup and Potato soup for dinner (don't worry I made it a point to steal all your recipes) with salad and bread sticks at Aunt Jolynn's.
*Worst Date stories.....A book should be written!
*An appearance by Our Incredible Mandolin and less than 24 hour old Baby Bevan....It wouldn't have been the same without her and I for one am so grateful for the sacrifices she made to be there!
*Laughter, crying, sharing, advice asking/giving until approximately 5:00 in the morning.
*An inspiring message from Carol Ellertson about Strength in Trials......lots more sharing and crying.
*And last but not least take out from Cafe Rio and hesitant good byes until next year!
It was sooo much fun to be with everyone! Melanie flew in from California, Brynn from back East, Megan drove back from school.....everyone made such an effort to be there and it turned out great! Thanks to Lianne for all your planning, prayers and love in preparing this event!

There is something so safe, strengthening, comforting and freeing about being with a group of women you love. I learn so much from these ladies constantly and am so blessed to associate with them.

I think if there is one thing I was reminded of this weekend is that EVERYONE has struggles.... no one has the perfect life.....no matter what front they put on. Each and every person we come in contact with are searching for peace, comfort, meaning in trials and sometimes hanging on to a thread of Hope. Yet I KNOW my the Lord is aware of each and everyone of us. It is wonderful to hear of all the ways he blesses us and truly strengthens my testimony of his love for me. I am never alone.....I am not the only one that faces challenges..... I am not the only Child of God.
This is part of the message that Carol left with us and it really stuck out to me....Thought I'd share it with you but also have it as a record for me:)
There is something so safe, strengthening, comforting and freeing about being with a group of women you love. I learn so much from these ladies constantly and am so blessed to associate with them.
All Nature is but Art, unknown to thee:
All Chance, Direction, which thou canst not see
All Discord, Harmony, not understood;
All partial Evil, universal Good:
And, Spirit of Pride, in erring Reason's spite,
One truth is clear, "whatever is, is right."
-Alexander Pope- An Essay on Man
Thanks ladies! San Fransisco here we come!!! Thanks Tan for taking Schwimp duty ;)
That sounds really awesome, I'm glad that you got to spend time with them. It's true...there really is something amazing about being with women who are strong and united. That's awesome that so many people were able to be there too!
I have been kind of dreading your post knowing you had a camera and boy you did not dissapoint. I think that couch shot is probably the worst picture EVER of me. That aside, great post. I totally agree that it just is so empowering and soul-filling to be with a group of women of that kind of caliber, you included.
Yeah, thanks for the morning after photo. How much will you accept in exchange for that photo! ;) It was so wonderful seeing you and being able to spend time with you, Kristin. I am already looking forward to San Francisco in 11 months two weeks and three days......
That sounds like such a fun thing to do! How lucky are you to have so many amazing women as part of your family! I need some more of those...
Your words are so sweet and true. I was just sick to my stomach when I realized Bevan's early arrival was going to conflict with the BELL CONFERENCE. Of all things! I could miss anything, but that, seriously! I had to do some serious talking to my many doctors and nurses to let me go and leave the hospital early, but I am so sad that I couldn't do more. I cannot wait, again, already for next year! I hate that I love this gathering so much! Thank heavens I have a beautiful Bevan to keep me grateful for the only possible excuse to keep me away from such an event! Also, I apologize I didn't have enough energy to give you a hard time this year and thanks for the pain relief pills! You're the greatest and I'm so grateful you married into the family!
Kristin, you summed it up perfectly. it's always an amazing event. Thanks for being there, for being so much fun, and for documenting it so perfectly. by the way i started a blog (treavorandsara.blogspot.com) and i'm adding you to my list!
what a wonderful summary of a fabulous "conference". I am so glad you married into this family, you add so much. and thank you thank you thank you for not taking or posting a picture of me after the whole 3 hours of sleep, no makeup, looked ran over by a car look.
what a wonderful summary of a fabulous "conference". I am so glad you married into this family, you add so much. and thank you thank you thank you for not taking or posting a picture of me after the whole 3 hours of sleep, no makeup, looked ran over by a car look.
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