From now on I am adopting a new life motto..... "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead" (thanks to your friend Sar) I am just realizing that as a mother, part- time nurse and wife that sleep as I knew it in my earlier years will never be the same. I have been fighting it....thinking that I can make it up here and there but no, it is time to accept it. I have been awake since 3 am playing Maci's game/losing a war in stubborness. She wakes up crying and screaming. I walk in and comfort her, change her diaper, give her the binky and blankets, lie her back down and go back to bed. Fall asleep for 5 minutes and then she wakes up again. She likes to throw her blankets and binky on the floor and then stand there screaming. I don't get it, but of course I pick them up and give them to her then lie her back down, go back to bed and fall asleep. So you get the gist. We play this game for about an hour. It continues until 4:20 until my last option is to give her a bottle which I know is what she wants. I won't do it. I refuse to give her a bottle in bed at 3 in the morning. Not a habit I want to start and even more, I refuse to give in. Is that horrible? Am I just being too stubborn or should I give it to her so we can both sleep?
It is now past 5am and I am trying to distract myself by watching Law & Order. Maci is screaming still. I have tried everything else. And so I suppose I will finally sleep when I'm dead.
Hang in there! Kinnie used to take a couple of bottles in the night and now she wakes up for just one and sometimes even sleeps through the night...she is FINALLY starting to catch on. Someday we will be able to catch up on our sleep right?...you're probably right, when we are dead.
I think you're right I used to think that when all the kids were older we'd sleep but now I watch all the moms of teenagers be up all night waiting around for them and then when the kids are gone all the women I know get insomnia. Sigh, I really miss sleep. That's always my favorite part of going on a trip with just Brennan, the sleep!!!! This sounds like a particularly awful run, hopefully things look up soon.
I'm in the place you just left: denial! I keep thinking at some point I'll be able to sleep like I used to.. but that day never comes! Perhaps I just need to accept it as well! *Sigh* Reality. Sometimes it's just no fun.
You are doing the right thing...don't give into her schwimpy stubbornness! I will now give you an official welcome into the world of no sleep. You have been a member of this club for awhile, but now you have succombed to the truth :)
Love you!
I think it wasn't until I had Kenya that I realized sleep would never be the same, so you're ahead of me! My body has adjusted a bit and I'm more use to functioning without it I think! And my advice, don't give in! :) She'll give in eventually, might take a week though. :)
which is why the only gift I ask for from my spouse is a dark cold hotel room and two days worth of sleeping pills!! Sometimes I would give ANYTHING for the "s" words.....SLEEP AND SILENCE!!!! Hang in there...it will be over someday and your house will be silent and you still wont be able to sleep because silence will be the scary unknown. And then we'll die =) ha ha!
Who needs sleep?? It's overrated. Oh wait... me... and you... and virtually every other parent... Absolutely #$&%-ed wicked of our kids.
So yes- cry away Miss Maci. You won't remember it in a few days and everyone will be doing better because of it. Oh yeah- I originally read this post at 5:15 with my son. Next time- call- I'm awake!
HA! I'm glad you've adopted the motto. It's a good one and so true! I would be playing the stubborn card with Maci too. STAY STRONG... and if you ever want/need to talk about how tired we are, you KNOW I'm here.
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