Monday, January 12, 2009

January 12th.....Seriously?

You might have noticed that I figured out how to edit the date on posts.....thus the plethora of late post that continue to appear randomly on my blog ;) I am feeling completely overwhelmed and we are only 12 days into the New Year! I refuse to make any resolutions this year.....I am having a hard enough time getting everything done as it is! I haven't been to the gym once in 2009..... may not sound too bad to some but I haven't missed more than 4 days in a row in almost 8 years!!! I haven't put away any Christmas decorations, tree is still up! I have 4 unpacked bags in my room. 3 Loads of laundry waiting to be folded. Piles of Christmas gifts (Tanner's....from me) to return. Skiing gear scattered about my living room. A car that hasn't been washed since not kidding. So what have I been doing?

Watching Maci perfect the art of walking.
Sending a Bro-in -law on a mission,
Celebrating the life of my angel Grandma Helen,
loving my family.....

Yeah, no resolutions this year.



No....lets just resolve to SURVIVE another year!!

Andrea W. said...

I'm soooo with you. I'm having a hard time just getting out of bed each morning and keeping up with my kids.

ashley g. said...

Seriously? Resolutions are totally over-rated. And what is the rush for getting Christmas put away? My Christmas lights are totally STILL up outside. What a heinous crime. Do I really care? Nope.

I hope that you are enjoying all of the craziness that seems to accompany holidays/January. Especially with that cute little girl walking all over the place.

I agree with the Reber Family- survival is an beautiful thing.

laurice. said...

I hear ya! But sounds like the things you have been up to are far more important than the things you haven't done.

Paige said...

Can I help you with anything? I'm a good laundry folder & I could totally use an excuse to go to the mall! :) I'm with Ashley thought - resolutions are highly overrated. And I've been to the gym & you can't even tell. At least you don't look like you've been skipping out!

Jamie Jensen Hill said...

Kristin I love you!!!! I made a whole TWO resolutions that have both been completely butchered! Anyway I am right there with you - I don't think either of our cars have been properly cleaned since August either. But both of have amazing little one year olds to show for last year! Yay us!