Thursday, August 28, 2008

Personality Testing

My Mother is going to school and will graduate in social work next fall.....she called me the other day and asked me to take this personality test that one of her professors had talked about. It takes about 10 minutes and is really interesting.... I am not sure that I totally agree with all of my results, But it is really interesting.....Check it out! (sorry if all these results are confusing....mainly posting them so Mother can see)
ESFJ - "Seller". Most sociable of all types. Nurturer of harmony. Outstanding host or hostesses. 12.3% of total population.">Take Free Jung Personality Test">personality tests by
Main type
Variant">Take Free Enneagram Personality Test">personality tests by
Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism 86%
Type 2 Helpfulness 70%
Type 3 Image Awareness 43%
Type 4 Sensitivity 43%
Type 5 Detachment 30%
Type 6 Anxiety 53%
Type 7 Adventurousness 63%
Type 8 Aggressiveness 36%
Type 9 Calmness 50%
Your main type is 1
Your variant is social">Take Free Enneagram Personality Test">personality tests by

1 comment:

Andrea W. said...

I think that's my type too, but I haven't taken it forever, I'll do it when I get a minute. But howcome I'm your same type but you're like all on top of things and stuff and I'm soooo not?