Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Olympic Fever

I don't know about the rest of you but our lives have been nothing but the olympics for the last two weeks! I love it! I love watching people work SO hard to acheive their goals... I am in awe of what amazing things people can do when they put their minds to something! I also love to watch them because I am probably the least coordinated person on earth (next to my Sister Cara ;)) and I wish with all my little heart that I could possess even an ounce of skill. Just a few of my favorite moments......(can you tell I'm a Nurse?)



Shannon E. said...

Where did you ever find those photos?! There were so many amazing and memorable moments, we loved watching the Olympics too!


Kristen...I am a complete clutz too. We really should be running partners so when one of us trips over our shoelaces we wont feel stupid!

Cara Rigby said...

Is that last one speed walking? Isn't it funny/crazy what kind of things can be an olympic sport?

Sarah said...

We loved watching the games too!! Although I have to confess that I am probably even more uncoordinated than you and Cara combined.

Love the pictures! You are so funny!

ashley g. said...

I laughed my head off. With those pics of amazing athletes being clutzy, don't you think that it would be hilarious if somebody followed us regular people around with a camera, what would they see?