Last Sunday a coworker and friend was involved in a fatal helicopter crash in Flagstaff, Arizona. James Taylor was the only survivor.He was the RN on board one of the helicopters transporting a patient from the Grand Canyon. He fought hard for 5 days, long enough for all of his family to arrive. Suffering massive head truama, external fixators to both legs, internal bleeding and injury to heart and lungs with a poor chance of recovery... his family chose to withdraw life support late thursday night. James, father of 3 young boys, dedicated nurse, veteran soldier, patriot, joker, friend and example passed away the morning of July 4th. A tragedy that has touched so many....many prayers, tears, love and support to his family. He will truly be missed. I was lucky to have James as an orientator when I began working in the ER. He had so much knowledge to share, a love for his family, a contagious smile and lots of laughs for all of us. My heart aches for his boys, James always talked about how much he loved them and loved teaching them to be tough guys.
I don't take this opportunity nearly enough....and it is sad that it takes tragic times to remind me to do so... I am so grateful for my incredible Husband, for the father he is to Maci and for being the best friend a girl could have. I am so blessed to have each day with Tan and Maci.... they are my joy and my hope. I am so grateful for My amazing mother who ALWAYS put her children first, for raising us in the gospel and teaching us to love unconditionally. I am so blessed to have siblings that are so supportive of me despite all the torture I put them through ;) I am truly blessed to have such incredible In-laws who love me like their own and treat Maci like an angel. I am grateful for good friends who love me and put up with me still. I love each and every one of you. Thanks you for being a part of my Life.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. love you~
Thank you for sharing that Kristin, I am so sorry for your loss. I love you!
Oh how sad, Kristin. I'm so sorry. Thanks for the reminder to keep things in perspective and appreciate what we have!
I have tears for you- my deepest sympathies at this tough time. What a tragic thing to have happen to anyone, especially to a dear friend. Hang in there.
oh i'm so sorry. what a hard thing. there is nothing i can say that will help but my thoughts are with you.
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