Happy Platinum Birthday Mom!!! Cathy Ann Campbell Cahoon was born in 1954 and today we celebrated her 54th Birthday!! Maci and I got to take her to Lunch at one of our favorite spots and got a yummy "Birthday Brulee"....it was a blast. Thanks for letting us steal you Mom, no better way to spend the day ;)

It is also my In-laws' Anniversary.... Kristen is going to kill me for posting this picture, but i love it because it is from our trip to Hawaii and we were all soooo tired yet they still did their best to muster up a little cuddle and smile.

It has been so fun to watch "Pop's" & "Grammy K" become grandparents together. They are perfect for eachother!

Sorry this Picture is soooo small, but if you can see it, it is worth it. Priceless!!

Hope you all had a wonderful day full of smiles, happiness and love! We love you all!
Also, I was reading this great little book of quotes from President Hinckley and this message stood out to me.....
"People wonder what we do for our women. I tell you what we do: we get out of their way and look with wonder at what they are accomplishing."
I would have to agree that Women do amazing things.... I am so grateful for all the strong and faithful women in my life who move onward with courage and joy in each moment.
What a cute mom & inlaws you have! Happy birthday & Anniversary to them. We're looking forward to seeing you guys next weekend!
What a great post! We miss you guys. Kiss little Maci for us.
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to your lovely family! That is a really pretty pic of your Mom. Doesn't it make the biggest difference to have awesome family?
Tell your mom Happy Birthday and that she looks amazing.
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