Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekend of Warmth

Last weekend Hannah, Maci and I took a road trip to St. George for the Colbie Callait Concert at Tuacahn. Of course, we had a great excuse to stay for a few extra days and took over Adam & Cara's. It was so much fun. Can you ever go wrong with a girl's weekend? Not in my opinion. We went shopping, out to eat, watched conference, and took the babies swimming.

Some of these pics are pretty bad but you get the idea! Adam insisted that he watch both Maci and Cambria by himself while we went to the Concert. I tried to talk him out of it but he would NOT give in. He survived and the girls were actually asleep when we got home. The concert was SO much fun! This guy opened for Colbie named Tim Fagan. He was awesome....sounded a lot like John Mayor or Jason Mraz. I loved it cause I have been wanting some new music and he is chill but more unique than the usual. Check him out... he has some stuff on itunes and myspace. Anyway, if you haven't ever been to Tuacahn it is incredible! It isn't too big, but it is amphitheatre style and outdoors with the red rock towering behind the stage. It is tucked back in a little canyon so your surrounded by these beautiful red cliffs. Those are my favorite concerts to go to... when the venues aren't too big, where you can actually see the performer. It definitely wasn't a jump around- get down with your bad self- party.... but it was good music and great company.

My favorite song was a Hawaiian ditty that they played with a plugged-in ukulele. It was crazy cool.

I tried to get my sisters to sneak up to the stage with me for pictures but they wouldn't.... and when I tried I got asked to get off the stage. So here is a lame pic of me in front of the stage ..... by myself... in front of everyone. I am such a nerd.

The next Morning Uncle Adam decided that Maci needed to learn how to swim. She was way more excited about being in her swim suit than actually getting in the pool (sound familiar?....I hate swimming!) These pictures don't even begin to do her excitement justice! She was squealing and kicking like crazy when I put her cute little swim suit on (Thanks Jamers!!) even though the swimmer diaper went up to her arm pits! Check out the Bum ruffle... adorable. She had a lot of fun and really liked the water until she got cold after 5 minutes.

We had sooooo much fun! It made me so excited and ready for warmer weather!! No more cold!! We missed Tan but he had to stay home and work hard so we can enjoy our cruise next week!! Next Stop CABO!!!


Ann-Marie said...

It all sounds like so much fun. I love her swimming suit...good job! I'm jealous of the concert.

Maci is lucky to be as pretty as you.

Andrea W. said...

What a great trip to go be with your sisters! I love Tuacahn (Sp?), it's really beautiful and you feel like you're thousands of miles from civilization. Your sisters are so cute, and what a nice BIL to watch cute Maci.

Eliza said...

How fun! that sounds like a great time to get away to warm weather and good girl times. that is so funny about her swimsuit, fashionista already? btw, it is dang cute, where did you get it? I can't find any under 12 months.

laurice. said...

I am so jealous that you get to spend so much time with your sisters and have babies the same age!

Jacee McGuire said...

That sounds like such a blast of a weekend. I am jealous that you went to that concert, I listened to that guy and he is really good. Maci is so cute and getting so big. I do think she looks a lot like you. Very gorgeous!

Jami said...

You and your sisters are SO beautiful! I love little Maci too. She is adorable. I still need to meet her!

Mishlers said...

The girls are adorable! I am so excited to meet Maci in May!! We are definitely going to need to play lots while we are there!!

ashley g. said...

What a fun break! It makes me want to take a 'sister's trip.' And the babies in their little suits? TO DIE FOR!!! What a cute little ruffle-bum.

And yes- you were so brave to be almost on stage by yourself.

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

JEALOUS!! I want to go on a fun trip with my sister! Layne and I saw Colbie Callait when she played the Jamboree Music Festival several months ago and will be seeing her again when she opens for John Mayer. Love the baby swim suits! Can't wait to see Maci again in a couple weeks!

Alder Family said...

A Girl's weekend? A Cruise? You guys are living the life!! Maci is so stinkin' adorable it should be illegal. And I cannot believe how amazing Adam is to watch both girls solo. What a man!! I miss you guys soooo much! Can't wait to hear/see all about your cruise!