Thursday, January 24, 2008

Steamroller!!!.......well, almost

While I was watching TV tonight I looked over and saw this!! Your wondering....what???
Well, Maci was originally on her back. She had rolled over 90% of the way but couldn't get her right arm out from under herself. I just watched her for a minute to see if she would complete the roll........ She just started making the saddest little noise ever and this face... (sorry for the crappy picture, but there was quite a bit of flailing involved). I know I am horrible but it was such a desperate little face that I had to get a pic first.
After squealing for a couple minutes she gave up and just lay there semi-mangled. So close!
A for effort baby girl! We will keep practicing ;)


laurice. said...

Before you know it she will be all over the place!

Cara Rigby said...

You can do it Maci!

Lauren Maley said...

i can't wait to see that cute face tomorrow!

ashley g. said...

I love it but don't let her! She'll start crawling and then life will never be the same!! I love that she tried until she didn't have any steam left.

Paul and Rachel said...

So cute and so fun when they start moving around, but a little bit sad because it means they are losing their little babyness. Life just gets crazy when they start finding little scraps of who knows what all over the floor and putting it right in the mouth- even after you just vacuum. They have special skills in this area!! She is so cute Kristin. Hope to see you again soon

Karly said...

I love the last picture when she gave up. She is such a doll, we miss seeing her. At least when we see her next she'll hopefully be rolling all over the place!

Ann-Marie said...

I love her outfit and bracelet! Does it make you sad she's growing up so fast? I'm kindof having issues!

Paige said...

I can't believe she's so big! It goes by TOO fast! She is so cute -I love all her pictures. PLEASE let us watch her soon! We're dying to have something girlie at our house, even if it's just for a few hours!

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

I find I struggle with the same thing in my sleep! I probably make similar faces and noises too, but the difference is, hers are ADORABLE! DARN ARMS!! Always getting in the way!! :) Way to go for the gold little one!!