Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Prison Break

I apologize for the recent lack of posting..... life has been a little crazy lately. And just when it started to settle down I discovered Prison Break (thanks to the Oborns) and I can't break loose! It is one of the greatest TV drama after 24!! I have been spending way too much time watching it. Tan and I love to watch TV series all at one time on DVD. It is one of our biggest guilty pleasures and pretty much the only time we get together at night..... so needless to say I will post something interesting as soon as I finish season one!


Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

You sound just like Layne and I! We tore through Prison Break a year ago and LOVED it! Of course, thats AFTER we watched all of 24 on DVD. We've moved on to 30 Rock (loved it but there is only 1 season on DVD) and now we are most of the way through Lost season 1. We were very skeptical about it, but a trusted friend insisted we give it a try so we did and it's actually good! Oh, and not to burst your bubble, but season 1 of Prison Break is AWESOME but it really goes down hill from there. Watch season 2, but after that, we thought it got totally lame.


Lost is the BEST!! It makes NO sense and is pretty wierd at times but very entertaining!

ashley g. said...

Well, get your watching in, we need our "Maci Fix." I have to agree- Lost is one of our fav's. We haven't gotten into Prison Break... but maybe we'll have to pick up a season on the weekends. Happy watching!

Ann-Marie said...

it's nice to have an escape at the end of the bad yours is so tense! :)