Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Unabashed Bragging

I can't help it..... I have to show off how cute Maci is. She gets cuter and cuter everyday... The pic on the right looks like she has a mohawk, she will sometimes just totally relax and be a "jello body" in your arms. Below is her signature pirate pose during nap time.

Our little chubby bunny in her new jacket.... come on you can't help but smile.

Maci loves bathtime, especially when Daddy is the one playing with her.... He is a lot more fun and let's her stay in till she's all wrinkly (of course, it only happens every couple of weeks).....(not bathtime....just Tanner doing bathtime).
Maci and Cambria laughing together while Tanner tickled them....it was so funny to her. Squeals galore..... We probably took 20 or more pictures of this and this is the ONLY one where Cambria is not smiling..... but the ONLY one that Maci is.


Cara Rigby said...

I;m going to call her "Bubbles" from now on, or maybe Bubbers, I'm not sure. But, yes she is very very cute. I luh-ve the pirate pose, Cambi gets that when she's really upset and is flailing her arms like a crazy woman :)

ashley g. said...

You should brag- look at how adorable she is! My personal favorite is the bubbles also. How fun to have babies so close together in age- those two will be buddies forever.

Andrea W. said...

She is soooo cute. I love the Bunny jacket! Great blog!

cody+sara said...

These pics are priceless! I love the bath tub one! BEAUTIFUL GIRL.

Corinne said...

Yes, do share her glory with us. SHE IS DARLING AND I WANT TO SEE HER IN REAL LIFE!!!

Ann-Marie said...

I love the bunny jacket. We'll see how much she likes the snow. Hopefully Tanner has a better tolerance than you do! :)

Ann-Marie said...

snow tolerance that is.

The Wolf Family said...

You have right to go forth with the bragging! :) She's gorgeous! I think I need to see her in person... we're in Bountiful all month and would love to see you guys if you're around and free!

Eliza said...

yeah, I am so excited that I discovered your blog. I have been dying to show josh how stinking cute and gorgeous maci is, so I'm so glad you have all those adorable pictures.

Lauren Maley said...

the bubbles picture is awesome. did tanner do that?!?!

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

What a doll! She may as well have Xavier Roberts tattooed on her little booty! That bunny jacket reminds me of A Christmas Story! haha