Friday, November 9, 2007

Macers and Cambers Reunited

Here are my favorites from our visit in St. George.... Maci and Uncle Atom napping. I am pretty sure that was the longest she slept the entire 4 days we were there, probably about 20 minutes! Uncle Atom had the magic touch, she loved it.
Maci all pretty and chillin in Cambria's bouncer.... just waiting to be entertained!
Apparently, she is not impressed by my entertaining skills! She smiles when I give up trying to make her smile.... no matter what the face though, she is dang cute.
Cambers trying to share her coveted hand with Maci.... Maci not interested in her cousin's "alternative binkys". I love this picture because it totally depicts their personalities!! Maci is kind of uptight and particular and always looks grumpy or upset.... Cambria is always happy and smiling and care free.
Cambria does have a bit of a jealousy problem though.... everytime Cara would hold Maci she would cry and look at us like "how could you do this to me?" she is trying to eat Maci...... or at least suck on her face ;)
We had so much fun!! What a blessing to have these two little angels so close together! We love you guys, we miss you always.


Sarah said...

I LOVE that picture of Cambria eating Maci. Holy smokes, that is funny. What little precious angels.

The Wolf Family said...

Ok so you and your babes are SO CUTE!! Now you gots to tell me how you made your BLOG so cute!? How'd you get the music and all that at the bottom?

ashley knell said...

truly, maci and cambria are the most beautiful and precious baby girls! i want to see them and hold them! please be around at christmas-time? oh my gosh, and i just realized i haven't called you back. i will call you tomorrow! loves!

Jacee McGuire said...

Those girls are darling!! That is so fun that they are so close in age, they will always love it!
We are coming home for Christmas so we HAVE to get together! love ya

Cara Rigby said...

They pretty much are the cutest babies ever. I love how mace just sits there in the bouncer totally unamused. I miss her!

cody+sara said...

Thos pics are too cute! I love the last one of Cambria eating Maci. Adorable!

cody+sara said...

I DO know how to spell thosE. oops.

ashley g. said...

How fun to have little cousins so close together! That pic is too funny of Cambria eating Maci. Enjoy this fun age! (I guess they are all lots of fun... but this one goes all too quickly!)

Ann-Marie said...

Soooo fun! I'm sure Cara loved having you visit. How did Maci do in the car?

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

Kristin!! I'm so glad you have a blog! It's SO cute! I LOVE seeing pictures of your little proncess Maci, she's such a DOLL! I could EAT her...but I won't. :) We definitely need to get together! Your house is adorable too! It looks a LOT like our house in NC did. As for my job, I'm working for the Bioengineering Dept. at the U of U. I'm on a 3 person research and production team for neural prosthetics. Can't wait to see you guys!

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

Kristin!! I'm so glad you have a blog! It's SO cute! I LOVE seeing pictures of your little proncess Maci, she's such a DOLL! I could EAT her...but I won't. :) We definitely need to get together! Your house is adorable too! It looks a LOT like our house in NC did. As for my job, I'm working for the Bioengineering Dept. at the U of U. I'm on a 3 person research and production team for neural prosthetics. Can't wait to see you guys!

Corinne said...

yeah, the face eating picture is the best :)