Thursday, November 22, 2007

Kristin vs. Turkey 1:0

Tanner took yesterday off and we wanted to do something different. So, we decided to go golfing. It was colder than a witches wart!???! We bundled Maci up, rented a cart, got some hot cocoa and set out on the front 9 holes. Maci and I lasted the first hole before she decided she was ravenously hungry, so we went back to the car to take care of business. By the time we tracked Tan down he was on the 6th hole and I was freezing! I drove him around while he golfed and Maci slept. Surprisingly it was a lot of fun! It was a nice change from the usual dinner and movie.

I did it! I successfully hosted my first Thanksgiving dinner! I never thought I would be doing that so soon, it was great. I love planning big meals, organizing the process, and preparing them for people. There is something so satisfying about it to me. Not sure why....feel free to analyze. Turkeys are gross! I have no idea why a turkey was chosen for the first Thanksgiving...... when I was 14 we had to catch , kill, clean and roast our own turkeys on Pioneer Trek and I haven't been the same since. As I was rinsing out the turkey and pulling insides out of it, I had a disturning thought....... think of all the turkey giblets there are out there this weekend!! I dont' know anyone besides my cousin Johnny that actually eats them so that must mean they get thrown out. That is a lot of turkey giblets! Gross, I am glad i'm not the garbage man.
Anyway, it was a small gathering, just me, Tan, Mom, Han and Macers. It was awesome though, everythig turned out least everyone acted like it did. We went and saw 'August Rush' after dinner and it was kinda of lame and dissapointing. I was so excited so I probably hyped myself up too much. The plot was just lame, I loved the music in it and the little kid in it is dang cute. We played a little Turkey Day is a lot funnier to watch the people playing it flailing their bodies all over than it is to actually play it.
I have so much to be thankful for!! My amazing husband who loves me despite my quirks, my beautiful daughter...our little miracle, family, opportunity to do a job i love, good health, safety, dear friends..... I am so lucky and blessed to be at this place in my life. I am so happy.


Corinne said...

I'm so glad you had a great dinner! That may be the first Thanksgiving golf game I've heard of. Well done :)

ashley g. said...

Great turkey! We are impressed. We are proud of the golfing idea too- couldn't have picked a prettier day to go!

Lauren Maley said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! You are so impressive!!!

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

I did it too!! This was my first big turkey roast and thanksgiving dinner that I prepared and hosted all by myself! Yay for us! I agree that turkey's are gross. I cut a bikini out of tinfoil to put on it so it would take my mind off how gross it was. It looked pretty funny!

laurice. said...

I am so impressed! I really don't think that I could have pulled that off.

Jacee McGuire said...

MMMmmm...Yummy thanksgiving dinner, that Turkey looked scrumptious! It is so fun making everything and preparing it. It looked great, good job! love ya

Leslie said...

You always were a good little cooker Kristin Annie! I heard from a very reliable source that it was quite scrumptious. I'm really not surprised. Does Maci like turkey?
Love you gobbles :)

Andrea W. said...

Hey I just saw the link to your blog from Chris and Rebecca's. I didn't know you guys had a blog! It's darling. I'm way impressed you hosted Thanksgiving dinner! I have yet to do it and it will be embarassing when I'm 60 and don't know how!